Friday 24 October 2014

10 Most Fun Festivals In The World

Festivals are part of our life. Festivals bring lots of happiness in our life. Different festivals have different reason to celebrate. But one thing is common they fills happiness, refreshment. There are lots of festivals celebrated in the world every year. Here is the list of the most of the most fun festivals in the world.
1)     Rio Carnival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
 It is the most famous festival in the world. This carnival is held during the Friday to the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. It is four day celebration. The samba school is organized huge parades filled with revelers, floats and adornments. It is the biggest carnival with two million people per day on streets. During the carnival street festivals are very common. Main features of this carnival music, dancing, elegance & extravagance.
 2)    Oktoberfest, Germany
 This festival is world’s largest funfair held annually in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. It is 16 days funfair started from late September to the first weekend in October with more than six million people around the world. During this festival very large quantities of “Oktober Beer” are consumed & enjoy a some attractions like amusement rides, games, large variety of food. This festival opening with twelve gun salute & first keg of Oktober Beer by the incumbent Mayor of  Munich.
3)    Mardi Gras, New Orleans
 It is annual festival celebrates in New Orleans, USA. Celebrations are held about 2 weeks before and through Fat Tuesday (Mardi Gras in French) the day before Ash Wednesday. Each day they arrange a one major parade, some days having several large parades. There is no theme for Mardi Gras. It is the biggest party & there is throughout the carnival celebrations in USA.
4)    Chinese New Year
 In China it is also known as “Spring Festival”. It is traditional Chinese holiday celebrated at the turn of the Chinese calendar, the last day of the last month of the Chinese calendar. During the festival people wear red cloths & decorate with poems on red paper. Red symbolized fire, which means legend, can drive away bad luck. This festival is time for family reunion. All peoples gather at each other’s home for meet & shared gifts, especially a feast on New Year. People going temple & hang glowing lanterns & carry with an evening parade. Some of the lanterns are work of art.   
5)    La Tomatina Festival, Spain
 This festival is a food fight held in Bunol, Spain. Millions of people around the world to participate in the worlds biggest & most famous “world’s Biggest Food Fight”. In this festival thousands metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown on people. The tomato fighting with music, dancing, parades & fireworks. Food fight has some rules which must be followed. Before tomato fight, participants part in the cooking competition “Paella”. 
6)    Diwali, India
 It is an ancient Hindu festival celebrates in every year. It is symbol of victory of light over darkness, good over evil. Before Diwali, People clean, renovate and decorate their houses. On Diwali festival Hindus wear new clothes, have family puja and family feast, & exchange of gifts among friends & family. On Diwali night there is the lighting of diyas & decorate their house.
7)     Night of the Witches, Mexico
 If witches & wizards have a spiritual home, Witchcraft traditions in this part of Mexico go back in 1970 centuries. The idea stuck and now every year hundred of shamans, witches and healers descend upon Catemaco to perform cleansing ceremony designed to rid them of the previous year’s negative energy. Hundred of visitors head into this little town to grab, eat, drink and make merry in wired mix of other fervour & hedonistic.
8)    Holi, India
 It is also known as “festival of colors” or “the festival of Love”. It is mainly celebrated by Hindus or people of India. The festival begin with a “Holika” bonfire where the people gather, sing & dance. Where people play & chase each other with dry & safe colours and coloured water. Kids carrying water guns, water balloons.
9)    Carnival Of Venice, Italy
 The carnival of Venice is annual festival held in Venice, Italy, celebrated since 13th century. The festival is famous for its elaborate masks. You can see lots of people from all over the world to attend this carnival. Various types of mask have always part of venetian festival, This masked festival is everybody should go to experience the elegant display of masks and to revel in the traditional festivities.
10)      Saint Patrick’s Day, Ireland
 Saint Patrick’s Day is also known as “Feast of saint Patrick” is a cultural and religious celebration celebrates on 17th march. The festival reminisce the arrival of Christianity in Ireland & also celebrating Irish heritage & culture. Saint Patrick’s Day is now celebrated by many people in the world. Irish & Non Irish both, with food, drink and all things green. It is celebrated in Ireland for over thousand years with feast, drink and true Irish culture reflected in this festival. 
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