Thursday 23 October 2014

10 Most Technically Advanced Robots In The World

It is combination of Electrical, Mechanical & Computer Engineering that manufactured the design, construction, operation, its application, control etc. Today these advanced robots are developed by Robotics Company, Engineers, and Government. It is automatic machines which take place of human in any condition like dangerous environments, manufacturing process in industry or anywhere. Now –a-days robots are part in our life. Most of our daily work is so easy because of robots. Even some countries are trying to develop humanoids which are used in fight for the Country.
1)     Asimo
Advanced Step in Innovation Mobility (Asimo) is world’s most technical intelligence robot in the world. It is developed by Honda. It has many applications and can run or control by controller or computer. It is sensible robot, it sense sound, posture, even face of people & recognized the moving objects.
2)    Atlas
Atlas is humanoid robot developed by American Robotics Company Boston Dynamics with funding & oversight by the DARPA (United states Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency). This designed for it acts as human responder in certain situation like nuclear meltdown. It is intended to aid emergency service, rescue operation & many more.
3)    Morpheus
 Normally robots are controlled with gestures or controller, but imagine if you control robot just using your mind. This technologies used in Morpheus robot. It has ability to follow directions given by thoughts. This technology was built by Rajesh Rao at the University of Washington.
4)    Actroid
Actroid is the advanced version of HRP-4C which also had humanoid face. This robot was first manufactured by Kokoro Company ltd. It has special ability to react to different kind of tactile data in different way. Actroid can be learning more human movements through their actual locomotion abilities.
5)    Face
 Scientist at university of pisa are made a robot calls FACE, which is considered as outstanding in this field for the kind of perfection this robot has achieved in human expression. Now most robots that are capable of imitating human expression can do, but face is capable to show stage between changes of emotion.  It is also teaching children who are suffer from autism to understand the mindset of people by reading facial expressions.
6)    Paro
The Japanese company AIST made amazing realistic robotic seal named as “PARO”. It is used for therapy. It has certified by Guinness to be world’s best therapeutic robot. It has many used in hospitals. It behaves same way as cute little harp seal would. This robot has five sensors in its body like audio, tactile, light, posture, temperature.  
7)     HRP-4C
It is also known as “Miim” is looking humanoid robot developed by National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science & Technology (AIST). This robot has realistic face & head looks like Japanese young girl, moves like an human using 30 motors & other 8 for facial expression. It can also respond speech using Speech recognition software.
8)    LS3 Quadruped
Boston dynamics had developed LS3Quadruped. Marc Raibert has described as the leader of the robotic world. It is more efficient as it carries 400 pounds (181 kg) of weight for up to 32 km without stop. It is DARPA Project for legged robot which could be function as Packhorse. It is especially for military use, with the ability to operate in any environments.
9)    Ekso Bionics
 The Ekso Bionics would be considered as life changing technology for its step towards the wearable robots. It is consists of mechanized legs which would work on their power. Current development of Esko (also known as eLEGS) which is helpful to wheelchair users to stand and walk.
10)  Human Support Robot 

 The Human Support Robot (HSR) is developed to help people in their daily activities. It is compact, lightweight body, Safe interaction, and Simple interface. It has ability to Object Recognition & Grasp Planning, Environment recognition, Autonomous Mobility, Remote functions. It has wheeled for movement. This robot would be best use in house or hospital for retrieving things nearby in the room. It is control by tablet pc. 
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